“ The first time that I found myself suddenly and spontaneously singing and vocalizing, in this unusual way, was during a visit to the beach 9 years ago.   The leg of a horse (‘belonging’ to a horse-back riding company on the beach) had just been injured when a riding customer had ridden him into another horse as a joke.  My passion to support the distressed horse in any way that I could, led me through the gathering crowd on the beach.  As I approached him, without conscious thought, I heard myself began to vocalize.  The horse, who was not allowing anyone else near, seemed to immediately respond to the singing and calmly allowed me to approach and gently hold my hand on his injured leg.   I sang improvisationally this way until the stable's staff arrived (for about 30 min.)

Months later, I was “walking” a very ill dolphin in a rehab pool while on shift as a volunteer with the Dolphin Rescue Team of The Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network.  The dolphin was experiencing deep neurological challenges, and had a seizure about every 2 minutes.  He would seizure and bow against me so strongly as I held him that I could hardly remain standing.  I began to sing a definite melody that flowed to me in those moments.  The other volunteer timed the seizure activity during the hour in which I sang to our dolphin friend…they seemed to decrease from every 2 minutes to only every 10 minutes.  Several days later, he was euthanized due to the severity of his injuries.  Although we were not allowed to be physically present during euthanasia, I vocalized that same exact melody across the space and distance
at the time of euthanasia.  Interestingly, after that hour, I have never been able to remember that melody again.

Since then, I have “sung” to many animals who seemed to become calmer and more peaceful, including an injured seagull.  The seagull was very alert with only an injured wing.  Yet while I vocalized improvisationally, she calmly allowed me to cradle her like a baby against my belly for an hour as we walked 2 miles down the beach to my car.  Other animals I have worked with include: both domestic and wild animals I have found who were in process of transitioning; ill semi-feral kittens in a no-kill shelter in New Orleans (post-Katrina) who were reported by shelter staff to be significantly calmer and less traumatized while receiving injections and other life-saving procedures when I was singing to them;  and my own animal companions when in need of de-stressing and calming.

The pivotal catalyst for my passion of offering this form of singing more widely (including to humans!) happened one evening when I casually began vocalizing to myself at home.  I suddenly found that I was naturally and without conscious thought projecting my voice in a manner and with a strength that I had never been able to before.   Within seconds, most of my animal companions suddenly gathered around me.  One of my beloved 13 yr. old feline friends  began to immediately display more adamant affectionate behavior (far beyond his usual degree of fondness he had so far ever displayed).  While I was singing, he repeatedly “stroked” my forearm with his paw in a gesture he had never done before.  This was a deeply impacting moment.

My heart and soul's intention is that my singing and vocalizing will be supportive and nurturing …and that it will open hearts, both animal and human, to a deeper peace. "


The Development of Kathy's Unique Singing
NOTE:  No medical claims are made.  Music, singing, and vocalizing is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological treatment, or veterinarian care. 